Audio Affair
Falling just short for the finals of "The Voice," frontman Nate Bevan performs with a charismatic personality that is replica watches only overshadowed by his incredible vocals. He and his band cover the best in party tunes from Maroon 5 and Bruno Mars to Jack Johnson, Johnny Cash and Tom Petty. Anyway you look at it, this single, duo, or trio is appropriate for any demographic, from 16 to 60.
Founding Members: Audio Affair Duo is
Nate Bevan - Vocals, Guitar
Missy - Bass
Audio Affair Trio is
Nate Bevan - Vocals, Guitar
Missy - Bass
Aaron Iero - Drums, replica coach handbags Percussion
Subsequent Members: Coming Soon...
Related Artists: Coming Soon...
Noteable Highlights: Coming Soon...
Additional Info: We're looking for former band members who can provide information to build this page.
If you were a member of this band, please contact us at or send us pertinent information and pictures, videos or mp3s of your band. Accepted materials and verified information will be posted.
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